"Oh to Grace how great a debtor
daily I'm constrained to be.
Let thy goodness, like a fetter
bind my wandering heart to Thee!"

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Can You Be Alone?"

"If I could look back and point out one thing I see in common with men and women of God, it is their willingness to be shut up to God."

"Very rarely will you find a young man or a even man of God who will separate himself from all his playmates and just be alone with God."

-Paul Washer


David Peyton said...

Hi Susan,

I stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to express my thanks firstly to God and to you for your it. It is a joy and breath of fresh air to find someone who is attempting in the Lord's strength to live up to Matthew 11:12, "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force."

Wishing you a Christ-exalting, soul-humbling Christian pilgrimage through this wilderness of the world!

In Christ,

Carrie said...

Hi Susan,
I came across your blog through a link to a youtube video of Paul Washer from Slice. Your blog seems very theologically sound and edifying. I just had one concern that I didn't want to raise in this comment forum. If you have the time, please shoot me an email so that I can email you the concern. Thank you.
In Christ,

Carrie said...

sorry, my email is carriebgood@gmail.com